Run for Kids

Brentwood, TN

Campaign Information


Top Individuals

Hart Cottage $1,184.47
Jeff McGinnis $1,032.08
Butch Burns $653.51
Melanie Dunn $624.78
Jason Miller $547.98
Jess Dixon $319.47
Ross Stevenson $316.91
Becky Jones $31.60

Top Teams

Stevenson Family

Many of you know that the TN Baptist Children's Homes (TBCH) has had a big impact on our families life.  We originally became connected to TBCH through the Run4Kids a fundraising 5k.  Through this event God called us to join TBCH as houseparents.  We were houseparents for 3 years, our oldest son was born while we were there, and we met our daughter there.  Moving into the 16th year of the Run4Kids a very hard decision was made to move in a new direction.  Instead of the full blown 5k we are doing a fundraising walk on May 18th.  Our families goal is to raise $2,600.00 which would feed 2 children in the care at TBCH Brentwood.  Please join us in being the hands and feet of Christ as we support the efforts of TBCH.

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